Sunday, June 28, 2015

If Not Facebook Then Where, If Not Now Then When?

It's been a very interesting and historic last two weeks. I'm sad to see the polarization between family and friends as people have expressed their feelings about the events that have unfolded in America.
Here are my thoughts about Facebook. Facebook is a social forum not a photo album. It's an ongoing conversation; a place for people to share more than family pictures and things you like. If that's all you want to do that's okay but please don't place your expectations of what Facebook should be on others. You can always hide posts you don’t like, ignore, or unfriend people, or join in on the conversation and by doing so you might learn something about the world around us, others, and even yourself. God forbid if we should learn something about you and get beyond the surface. The more we know about each other the more we can understand each other. If you don't agree with me or others, then express why you don't agree without being negative and hateful.
If you don't like what I think and believe and ultimately post, feel free to unfriend me. I won’t be offended. I've done it myself. But in retrospect, I could've just ignored the post and respected others right to express themselves. Free speech isn't an easy concept. It's easier to surround ourselves with people who believe like us, it's more comfortable and provides a false sense of reality that what we believe is right and others are wrong. It's a challenge to listen to someone screaming at the top of their lungs in support what they believe and that you totally disagree with.
I think what society is in desperate need of is civil disagreements (debates) where people can be confronted with different ideas, thoughts, and values to ponder and consider. To challenge and stretch our understanding of others and the issues that confront us everyday. You know the iron sharpens iron concept.
I truly long for thoughtful discussions with others that are not laced with emotions and that dissolve into idealogical arguments that further dissolve into shouting matches.I long for conversation with thoughtful people who want to listen to other points of view, who aren't defensive of their believe system. I've experienced this a few times and I can tell you that it's an edifying experience and that I want more conversations like this. There is nothing like the feeling when people understand and affirm you even though they may disagree. I want to stretch my thinking and to grow. It's arrogant of me to think I know everything or have arrived as an adult and that my thinking and even my values can't evolve as my world view is expanded by others.
So may be Facebook isn't the town square for social discourse on the issues of the day. If not, then where is that place? If not now, then when?

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